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The Training Zone

100% Local

7020 E. Broadway Blvd
Tuson , AZ 85710 (view map)
Phone: 520.991.5622 Website:


We offer one-on-one training sessions that last either 30, 45, or 60 minutes, depending on your needs. We can get together as many times a week as you need (we usually suggest 2-3 times per week to get started). In addition to private training, we also have some small groups and classes that are supervised while the participants exercise (mostly) independently. We can talk about what fits best for you.
"We firmly believe that our first responsibility as your personal trainer is to be a good understand what you are going through both physically and mentally."
"Our second role as your trainer is that of a you'll learn which muscles we're emphasizing, how form and technique play a role, and we'll try to tie it in to what you've already learned."
"We are also going to be your biggest cheerleaders (our third role is that of motivator!) as you overcome physical challenges and learn a new way to think about exercise!"


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