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Lee's Meat & Sausage, Inc.

100% Local

46754 271st Street
Tea , South Dakota 57064 (view map)
Phone: 605-368-2161 Website:



Lee and Chris

Trophy Room

Trophy Room
Lee's Meats and Sausages is a two-time winner of the prestigious international silver medal in the World's Trade Meat Fair in Frankfort, Germany. Lee's beat competitors from 89 countries as the first American to bring home this honor.

Every recipe Lee's uses is time- and taste-tested - they've all been in Lee Hofer's family for generations. Now, those family traditions have been proven the world's best recipes!

Lee's Meats and Sausages has brought home more than 30 champion and grand champion awards from contests across the U.S. Lee's even claimed the sweepstakes award for taking the most champion and grand champion prizes in a single year.

Lee and his wife Doris began Lee's Meats and Sausages as a custom butcher shop near Tea, South Dakota, in 1977. Over the years, they've focused their growing business on the art of processing wild game. Their time-honored tradition of hand carving every piece of meat brings out the delicate flavors and texture of good wild game.

It is Lee's belief that skinning and quartering wild game in the field is a fun and exciting ingredient in the hunt. Following his advice, you can skin, quarter and transport your wild game to Lee's Meats and Sausages for further processing.

Come out and see Lee's hunting adventures in his wild game museum!



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