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Roger's Chiropractic

100% Local

8152 NW Prairie View Road
Kansas City , Missouri 64151 (view map)
Phone: (816) 741-4040


If you don't like to be twisted, popped or cracked; but need the relief that it brings - then the Rogers' Chiropractic is the place for you!  The Pro-Adjuster Chiropractic System is an unmatched healthcare system because it brings together the quality of the hands-on approach to healing of chiropractic, with the reliable interpretation of a computer. With the Pro-Adjuster technology, Rogers’ Chiropractic is able to more accurately determine your vertebra's motion instead of utilizing the doctor's judgment or X-Ray's.  During our scan process, the Pro-Adjuster measures precise levels of motion and is able to isolate a problem area faster and more accurately than manual procedures.  The adjustment is done with a gentle tapping of the spine with the ProAdjuster tool rather than the old style bending, popping, cracking method which can be sometimes painful.

Rogers’ Chiropractic began utilizing this technology in 2003 and is the pioneer of the ProAdjustment system in the Kansas City Metro area.  To date only 4-5 other chiropractors in the Metro offer the Pro-Adjuster.


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