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Plattwoods Animal Hospital

100% Local

5901 NW 72nd Street
Kansas City , Missouri 64151 (view map)
Phone: (816) 781-8600



Not only does this service enhance your pets appearance, it also provides an important role in their comfort and health. We are very forturnate to have a groomer who has 15 years of experience. Ron takes great pride in his work and will work with you to provide the "exact look" you are wanting for your pet.

Pet Grooming

Comprehensive Medical Care

In the event that your pet becomes ill or is injured, we are fully equipped to provide the best care possible. There is always a doctor on call to answer any questions that you may have after our regular business hours.

comprehensive medical care

Intensive Care

We are equipped with several intensive care units that enable us to provide oxygen and nebulization therapy in a temperature controlled environment. These life saving units are very beneficial to the very young and the critically ill patient.

intensive care

Preventative Care

Our primary goal is to PREVENT ILLNESS by:

-Early detection through periodic Physical Exams
-A vaccination program tailored specfically for your pet by our doctors
-Lab tests to detect physical problems that cannot be found during physical exam
-Control of both internal and external parasites
-Diet and behavioral counseling

prevantative care

Comprehensive Surgical Care

We provide the most modern methods of anesthesia monitoring, heated surgical tables, intensive care units, and pain control methods for our surgical patients.

Comprehensive Surgical Care

Reproductive Care

We work closely with dog breeders providing assessment of estrus cycles through vaginal cytology, progesterone, and LH testing. We also provide semen analysis, artificial insemination, fresh-chilled semen, and C-sections.

reproductive care

 Boarding Service

We would be very happy to take care of your pet at those times when you cannot. We have individual kennels of all sizes and runs in a temperature controlled environment. While boarding at our facility your pet can enjoy time in our secure, outside play area. We feed Science Diet during your pet’s stay, but would be happy to substitute that with any with food that you desire to provide. We offer a complimentary bath if your dog’s stay exceeds 3 days, so when you pick up your pet, they're fresh and clean! For the safety of all of our boarding guests, we will require that your pet is current on all vaccinations and free of parasites.

boarding service

Dental Care

We emphasize the prevention of dental disease through regular exams and teeth cleanings. In the event of dental disease, we are fully capable of offering the latest in dental care treatment.

dental care


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