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Chiropractic Life Center

100% Local

305 NW Englewood Court
Gladstone , Missouri 6418 (view map)
Phone: (816) 454-5433


CLC is a Christian, patient-centered, wellness office that specializes in chiropractic and life coaching. The underlying concept of our practice is that God does not make junk--therefore you are not genetically predisposed to illness. Our primary goal is to teach our patients abundant health and give them the resources that they need to maintain a healthy and productive life without the use of drugs and surgery. Our four doctors have the skills and the desire to help others move toward a life of taking care of the ‘temple’ with Faith, acceptance, gratitude and consistency.

CLC is located at 169 and Englewood Rd in Gladstone, MO --about 7 minutes from downtown. We have a professional, loving staff who are very capable of answering questions and easing your journey into a healthier lifestyle. Everyone, from the Office Manager to the front desk, is ready to help with all of the aspects of health and wellness--from billing to setting the next appointment to reserving your seat for one of our entertaining and informative wellness seminars.

Our physiotherapist is terrific at helping alleviate pain and teaching exercises that you can do to increase blood flow and healing through injured areas. She uses state of the art rehabilitation equipment to resolve old injuries and teaches a core class to strengthen weaknesses in the spine that lead to progressive diseases such as arthritis.

Whereas chiropractic is an integral part in restoring one's health, we at CLC recognize that abundant health is multi-factorial. You can be well-adjusted and not be healthy, but you cannot be optimally healthy and not be well-adjusted. Therefore, our approach to wellness also includes the pillars of health: Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well, and Sleep Well.


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