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Wash Wizard Car Wash

100% Local

501 N Hwy 52
Moncks Corner , South Carolina 29461 (view map)
Phone: (800) 587-1252 ‎ Website:


Our state of the art equipment is easy to use and both our touchless automatic and self service car washes accept credit cards providing more convenient payment options for fast and easy purchases.

To fulfill the self service car wash related needs of our customers by exceeding their expectations for service, quality and value. We strive to earn our customers’ loyalty by delivering more than promised, by demonstrating honesty and fairness, by listening to our customer’s feedback and by developing systems and incorporating equipment that meets or exceeds the industry standard for quality and performance. It is our goal to be the best at satisfying our customers and motivating our employees.


Minimal or No Wait Times
Two automatics bays reduce the likelihood of a waiting for your car wash.

Touch Screen Pay Stations
Make it is easy to complete your transaction or purchase discounted wash packages.

Contouring Wash Boom
Ensures optimal distance for the oscillating nozzles to rotate and attack the dirt on the front, top and rear of the vehicle.

Come try the Wash Wizard’s state-of-the-art self serve bays that conveniently accept multiple payments options, for fast checkout. Test drive our new in-bay hand held dryer, to blow dry your vehicle with filtered air for a spot free finish!

Credit Card Timers
Single card swipe activates the services for as long as you need to wash.

Bill Acceptance / Bill Breaker
Use cash or coins to pay for your wash, vacuum, or vending products. No more quarters!

In-Bay Audio
Provides easy to follow instructions to guide you through the use of a credit card or cash. The audio also helps you keep track of the current wash function and the amount of time remaining.

In Bay Dryer
Allows you blow dry your vehicle with clean, filtered air for a spot free finish.


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