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Design Flooring

100% Local

315 N Highway 52
Moncks Corner , South Carolina 29461 (view map)
Phone: 843) 761-6767 Website:‎


We are a family owned and operated business which provides the “hands-on” attention that you deserve. Our staff has the knowledge to help you choose the perfect floor that fits your lifestyle and budget. It’s our pleasure to advise you of the benefits and features of each product. We want you to be happy with your purchase for years to come! 

Carpet is the most popular and versatile floor covering solution on the market. Carpet adds beauty and style to any room. From commercial to residential projects we have hundreds of colors and surface textures to choose from. If you are unsure of what to choose, our friendly staff has the knowledge to lead you in the right direction.

Laminate flooring has slowly become one of the hottest trends to hit the residential flooring industry. Laminate flooring is an ultra-durable product that looks like a real wood or stone floor, and is much more affordable.  This floor was built to last, and is guaranteed to be a choice you will be satisfied with for years to come.

Hardwood flooring adds value while bringing natural beauty and style to any home. With Design Flooring's unique variety of hardwoods, we feel you will ultimately find the floor that’s going to transform your home. From hand scraped exotics to natural red oak, we have what you’re looking for.

We specialize in custom showers!! Our selection of ceramic, porcelain, granite, marble, slate, travertine, and unique mosaics make it easy to put your vision into reality. We can transform any area of your home or business, including fireplaces, bathrooms, kitchens, back splashes, entryway, kitchen counter tops and more


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