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Edwards United Church of Christ

100% Local

3420 Jersey Ridge Rd.
Davenport , IA (view map)
Phone: 563.359.0331 Website: Hours:

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:15 a.m.
Contemporary Worship: 5:30 p.m.
(3rd Sunday of the Month)

Sunday Church School:
Adult & Children 9:00 a.m. (Sept-May)


Worship lies at the heart of the Edwards community. We gather to pray, to praise, to give thanks, to listen to scripture and reflect on its meaning in today's world.

We gather to be strengthened to do Christ's work in the world. Whoever you are, wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here. Because we are a diverse community, we seek to provide a variety of opportunities for worship.


Sunday Morning Worship at 10:15 is a Spirit-filled traditional service with a blend of new and old hymns as well as creative liturgy. Our Cassavant organ leads the music most Sundays.

Occasional Sunday Evening Worship - one sunday a month at 5:30 is a coffee-house 'style' contemporary service with a great band that leads our singing. Check our calendar to find which evening this service takes place. Preaching is informal and often includes the congregation in reflection and conversation about God's presence and power in our lives.

Special Worship Services are scheduled in response to particular needs, or at special times of the year. Watch the Church Calendar or newsletter for things like Christmas Eve services, Lenten services, or special healing services.

We encourage school-aged children to share in worship with us, recognizing that they may make a little more noise than adults. Because we also know that parents need a break once in a while, nursery care is provided during worship services and educational events at Edwards.
Our nursery is age-appropriate for infants and toddlers. It is staffed by volunteers from the church - teens and adults who care for children with love and attention.

art mural   backdrop in fellowship hall
Whoever you are, wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here
We are located atop a hill with a lush lawn to the street. Our building includes a sanctuary which seats 170, a fellowship hall with a capacity of 120 to 175, and an educational wing with 7 rooms, including a nursery. Behind the building, to the west, is a large parking lot. The building, built in the late 1950's, is mortgage free, and we completed a building expansion in 1998 to accommodate a new Cassavant pipe organ. This expansion was funded 100% by the members, and again is mortgage free. Professional contractors, a paid custodian, and volunteer work accomplish building maintenance.

To find us: From interstate 74, exit onto Spruce Hills Drive and head west. In 1/10th mile, Spruce Hills Drive and Kimberly Road merge into one road - Kimberly Road. This happens at the first stoplight. At the second stop 1 mile further west, turn left (south) onto Jersey Ridge Road. Edwards Church is just a few hundred feet down Jersey Ridge Road on your right (west).

View of Edwards   from Jersey Ridge Road - Davenport, IA

We offer our building to the community for a number of purposes. It can be used as a meeting place for a variety of groups and organizations by coordinating with our building administrator.
meet the staff



Rev. Katherine   MulhernKatherine began serving Edwards Church as Pastor and Teacher in October 1998. She is a 1991 graduate of Eden Seminary, and served the UCC church in Oskaloosa, Iowa for seven years before joining us at Edwards. Katherine is a "second career" pastor - she holds an MBA from the University of Washington and worked in the world of banking before entering the ministry. She and her husband, Dick Werner, have three grown children and enjoy the gift of six grandchildren.


Minister of Music

Rev. Jean NortonJean graduated from Union Theological Seminary in New York City. She started her musical career playing the piano in her home church at the age of ten, and has used music in her ministry ever since. She has served as pastor, chaplain and a professional director. At Edwards she directs the Chancel Choir and the Contemporary Band on Saturday evenings. As Minister of Music, she coordinates all musical activity in the church.


Minister of

Susan Chesley
Susan received her BA in Philosophy from Guildford College in Greensboro, NC,, has completed the LEARN program in lay ministery and serves Edwards as a Licensed Minister. Susan develops programming and curriculum for children, pre-school through 5th grade, and works closely with Katherine Mulhern in the development of Adult Education. All Christian education at Edwards stresses the importance of continued faith development throughout life, with the understanding that everyone comes to faith differently, but all are accepted and embraced.
Crystal comes to us with lots of experience with youth in Texas, mostly in social work settings. She is also finishing a Master of Divinity degree at Dubuque Theological Seminary and is applying to do further graduate work in theology at the University of Iowa. She is the mother of three small children, full of energy, enthusiasm and vision for our youth program!



Bobbi RudigerRoberta (Bobbi) graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1993 with a Masters in Social Work. She worked in the mental health field for 20 year. She later received her Masters in Divinity from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary and graduated in 2000. She served several UM Congregations. Over the past 4 years, she has used both her Social Work and Pastoral experiences to serve families and loved ones in the care of hospice. She now joins Edwards Congregational UC Church as the Care Giver Coordinator. Bobbi shares her home with Teddy Bear (Beagle) and Isaac (Kitty).



Geri Dulaney
Geri has been a member of Edwards for eight years and in that time, has served on several Committees, Boards, and the Church Council. This interaction has allowed her to gain knowledge of the operation of the church and to know most of the congregation by name. As Membership Coordinator, some of her duties include assisting persons who are searching for a church home, assisting the Pastor with new member classes, and maintaining contact with the congregation.



Teresa King
Kathy moved to the Quad-Cities in August 2006. Previously, she worked as a real estate title examiner in Rochester and Buffalo, N.Y., an administrative assistant at a deaf school in Buffalo and a sign language interpreter at a preschool in Fremont, Ohio. She lives in Davenport with her husband, Dan, and sons Zach and Alex. Daughters Alyssa and Ashley are students at The Ohio State University. Go Bucks!



Cathy Loughead

likes to keep a low profile.


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