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Scientific Health Care, Inc.

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1491 Baker Street, suite 1
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Dr. Henry Woo and Scientific Health Care, Inc.

Acupuncture, a healing art for human beings, originated in China more than five thousand years ago. It applies Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine theory to diagnose, treat illness, prevent disease and improve wellness by inserting needles at acupuncture points throughout the body. Acupuncture has been popular and broadly used worldwide because of its proven effectiveness.

The general theory is based on the premise that there are patterns of energy flow called Qi (vital energy) throughout the body when are related to the organs and tendon-muscular-skeleton system. According to Chinese medicine, there are 12 meridians (a.k.a. channels) plus two extra meridians and 365 acupuncture points in the human body. When the Qi (energy flow) is disrupted due to drug, medications, poor diet, stress, trauma, or other causes, illness or pain will result. Acupuncture can correct this obstruction of of Qi flow. By inserting hair-thin disposable needles into the acupuncture points, it stimulates to unblock the meridians, to improve energy flow and enhance the self-healing ability in relieving pain, treating illness and healing other symptoms.

Acupuncture is a comprehensive system or preventive health care. It has been applied to help athletes, dancers, arts performers and many other professionals to reach optimum performance levels. Furthermore, acupuncture detoxification treatments are widely used as a proven and successful therapy for chemical dependency problems such as drinking drugs and smoking. Our clinic has an excellent acupuncture detoxification program available to our patients.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is the most important and major part of traditional Chinese medicine.   It has a 5,000 year history just like Chinese acupuncture.  There are more than 3,000 different herbs that can be used for medical purposes.  Among them only 600 herbs are commonly used in China.  The common used Chinese herbs are made in nature either form different parts of the plants or proven edible parts of animals.  Chinese herbs or herbal combinations are safe and cause no side effects.

Different types of herbs affect the body differently, each in their own way.  For example, herbs having hot or warm substance can relieve conditions where there is cool or cold in the body, whereas cool or cold substance in herbs relieve heat symptoms.

Through scientific research, it is now recognized and proven that Chinese herbs are effective and safe in treating acute diseases and conditions, such as killing bacteria and viruses which can help injuries to heal faster.  It heals chronic illness, promotes the circulation, strengthens the immune functions, helps drug addicted people quit their substance abuse problem.  Chinese herbs can successfully help cancer patients undergo the radiation or chemical therapy without discomfort or side effects.

Enzyme Nutrition

Scientists and nutritionists nowadays recognize that enzymes are life energy, life force or vital force.  Without the life energy of enzymes we would be nothing more than a pile of lifeless chemical substances: vitamins, minerals, water and proteins.  In both maintaining health and healing, enzymes do the actual work.  In metabolism, they are the body's labor force.

Each one of us is given a limited supply of bodily enzyme at birth.  This supply, like the energy supply in a new battery, has to last a lifetime.  The faster you use up your enzyme supply, the shorter your life.  Guarding against the loss of precious enzymes can extend your life and make you healthier.  The practices of cooking food and use of processed chemicals, drinking alcohol, using drugs, and eating junk foods all can draw out tremendous quantities of enzymes from our limited supply.  When a body is in a weakened enzyme-deficient state is a prime target for cancer, obesity, heart disease, or other degenerative problems.  A lifetime of such abuse often ends in the tragedy of death at middle age.

There are three classes of enzymes:

  Metabolic Enzymes     - Run our bodies, Repair damage and decay, heal diseases
  Digestive Enzymes      - Completely digest our food
  Food Enzymes            - Start food digestion (come from eating raw foods


Our body contains billions of bacteria and other microorganisms.  The term of "Probiotics" refers to dietary supplements for foods that contain beneficial or "good bacteria" that are similar to those normally found in our body.   Although we don't need probiotics to be healthy, these microorganisms may provide some of the same health benefits that bacteria already existing in our bodies do, such as assisting with digestion and helping to protect against harmful bacteria.

In addition to supplements, probiotics can be found in such foods as yogurt, fermented and unfermented milk, miso and some juices and soy drinks. There is a growing public and scientific interest in probiotics.  Researchers are studying whether probiotics taken as foods or supplements can help to treat or prevent illness.  There is encouraging evidence that probiotics my help:

  Treat diarrhea, especially following treatment with certain antibiotics
  Prevent and treat vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract infections
  Treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  Reduce bladder cancer recurrence
  Shorten the duration of intestinal infections
  Prevent and treat inflammation following colon surgery (pouchitis)
  Prevent eczema in children

Our clinic has a treatment plan that combines acupuncture, herbs and probiotics to help patients quit drug-addiction.  The success rate is 85 to 90%.

*These statements have not been evaluated by FDA.  


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