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J & W Bookkeeping

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1669 S. San Marcos Pl.
Tucson , AZ 85713 (view map)


We handle the complete bookkeeping needs for your business. We can also organize and input data so that financial information is easily accessible. You will then be better informed to make business decisions based on accurate data. Our services support your CPA/Accountant/Tax advisor. We do all of the ground work, such as compiling the information necessary for year-end taxes. We'll use the system and format of your choice and will assist to the degree that you desire.

Every business owner is looking for cost-effective ways to manage his business and save money. Entrepreneurs are talented at seeing "the big picture;" creating, managing and building the business. Sometimes it's easy to ignore the bookkeeping side of the business or do the bare minimum to keep the business operating.

'Mike Santoro, president of Walker Sands stated: "Too many small businesses try to handle bookkeeping themselves, but for a small fee, they can bring in someone far more qualified to do the work." Outsourcing these duties allowed Santoro more time for his business, and it also made the whole process much more organized... If hiring a full-time bookkeeper doesn't make sense for your business, consider bringing in someone on a contract basis...' 
      English, A (2009, April/May). Get Paid Faster. MyBusiness, p. 43.

J & W Bookkeeping offers cost-effective bookkeeping services for small businesses, such as: balancing the checkbook, entering invoices and paying bills to managing the payroll for the outsourced provider and keeping track of insurance. We take care of all the bookkeeping needs for your business. We also organize and input data so that financial information is easily accessible and at your fingertips. You will be able to make decisions based on accurate data. Our services support your CPA/Accountant/Tax advisor. We do all of the ground work, such as compiling the information necessary for year-end taxes. We'll use the system and format of your choice and will assist to the degree that you desire. J & W Bookkeeping can provide bookkeeping support for a few hours each month, or as much as twenty hours a week. We can also train you or a trusted employee to do your own bookkeeping and we'll come in once a month to be a "second pair of eyes" looking over your books (checks and balances). As an additional benefit, you don't need to pay the extra overhead of workers compensation, social security taxes, etc.

Our goal is to take the pressure and headache of tracking business finances off of you. This will allow you more time to focus on the parts of business that you enjoy. One business owner put it this way, "We could do the bookkeeping, but we don't like it. So why not have someone else that is good at it, take care of it and free our time to focus on what we are good at and love? It is a better use of everyone's time." We have a menu of options from which you can choose to fit your business needs.


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