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Rochester School of Martial Arts

100% Local

511 N. Main St.
Rochester , Mi. 48307 (view map)
Phone: 248-601-5600 FAX: 248-601-5601 Website:


In both our Woodward and Rochester locations, students can expect three things:

1.) Learning the most effective martial arts techniques in all ranges - kicking, punching, takedowns, choking, locking, grappling and submission
2.) An intense cardio and strengthening workout in every class
3.) Mental Discipline - Increased concentration, stress relief and self-awareness through meditation

All true martial arts encompass both an intense physical training and an internal component, designed to create the complete martial artist.

Sifu Robert Brown's perspective on the world of martial arts is, to say the least, unique and inspirational. From the very beginning, his was a life marked with tremendous challenges. Through strength of will, martial arts, and meditation, a young man who could barely walk or read was transformed into a wise and perceptive teacher whose philosophy and principles have changed the lives of so many.

Sifu Brown believes that practicing true martial arts is more than just exercising and learning self defense. On a deeper level, it is a path to self discovery and personal growth. As head of one of the largest adult martial art programs in the U.S. today, each week, Sifu Brown teaches hundreds of students who pass through his doors to live more peaceful and fulfilling lives.

Sifu Brown created the "Lessons In Mindfulness" program, which is being used worldwide in martial art schools. Designed for serious martial arts students, the program inspires greater understanding of the philosophical and personal growth aspects of practice. Students begin to see the effect of martial arts on their daily lives outside of the dojo. Not only do they notice physical improvement in class, their daily life, work, and relationships become less stressful and more fulfilling. By understanding the power of true martial arts, students become committed and dedicated to their practice for years to come.

Sifu Brown helped to create an efficient system of self-defense. Ford and Chrysler hired him to teach the program nationally to their employees. Today, self defense classes, including women's self defense are taught in the School of Chinese Martial Arts.

Together with physical therapists, he also created a successful Martial Arts Therapy program which helps children and adults dealing with closed head injuries and other physical impairments. Although Sifu Brown is no longer associated with this program, it is still offered in some hospitals in the Detroit area. For information on Martial Arts Therapy, please call, 517.223.7449



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