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    Read Reviews - Redmond, OR

100% Local

Phone: (541) 220-6775 Website: Hours:

Always Open

Social Media


What Your Business Gets For Less Than $1 per Day:

- Name of Business & Logo
- Contact Details with Location Map
- Website & Social Media Links
- Short & Long Descriptions of Business
- 1 Category & 1 Subcategory Classification
- Meet the Owner Bio Including Photo
- Listing Included on RelyLocal’s Mobile App
- Mobile QR Code for Own Advertising
- Search Engine Optimization
- Meta Tags
- 1 Coupon (also included on mobile app)
- 2 Attachments (brochure, menu or other file)
- 2 Video Links (must be hosted on YouTube)
- 5 Photos
- 1 RelyLocal Reward Listing*
- 5 RelyLocal Reward Cards*



Optional Benefits:

$200 - Homepage Header Banner
$100 - Homepage Advertorial (rectangle banner on right)

$50 - Homepage Advertorial (square banner on right)
$25 - Featured Business on Mobile App (only 3 spots available)
$25 - Featured Business Owner on Site (only 3 spots available)
$20 - Local Reward Cards (20 cards)*
$20 - Deal of the Day

$10 - Additional Coupons

$5 - Additional Categories
$5 - Additional Attachments
$5 - Additional Videos
$5 - Additional Photos


Additional Consulting and Set-Up:

$200 - Facebook - We will sit down and create a Facebook page, develope a stategy, and add content.

$100 - Professional domain that can be redirected to your RelyLocal business listing. This is a sensible solution for small businesses that don't need a full blown website. Good for one year and then you will be resposible for renewing if you choose to. 


Benefits are negotiable.

*Coming soon


Contact RelyLocal


Meet The Owner:

I am passionate about helping my community both in volunteership and growing small businesses.

I was raised in Sisters, OR. Sisters was a very small community with a population of 550 at the time (and gas was $.89/gallon, sheesh). What I loved about Sisters growing up was that the town had a very personal feel to it. Every business owner was on a first name basis with every customer. The whole community felt like a big family.

I started getting involved in business in my early 20's. Some business stints included *cough* Amway, direct mail marketing, and (short for Kurners Camping Supplies) was my first ecommerce experience in 1997.

In my early 30's I got more serious about business. I started a company simply named Jason's Carpet Cleaning. However, in less than a year this business failed. It didn't fail because of hard work or commitment, it failed because of planning. I started over $15,000 in the hole and was never able to did myself out.

In my mid 30's I started a travel company - The Travel Bird. The company did very well and I would still be doing it if it wasn't for one thing - advertising costs. I was the typical at-home travel agent booking for friends and family, but I needed to expand my customer base. Based on my previous business experience, I already had a feel for how much I would be spending to advertise. Working on commision in the travel industry, I had to make sure my advertising dollar would be worth it.

I started calling around and was very disappointed at how much advertsing cost.....  $250+ per month for direct mail coupons with Smart Shopper (that only came out every 2.5 months).....  $400+ per month for Merchant Circle.....  $200+ per month for Yellow Pages.....  $50+ per month local publications (no coupons, only name address and contact info, like Yellow Pages).....  $25+ per month with Gold Card Network (again, no coupons, small customer base, and no phone number to call).....  $750+ per week for radio..... T.V., won't go there.....

At this point I was fed up and wanted to do something about it. So I started The idea was simple - provide a low-cost and effective advertising solution for small businesses. I would do this by providing customers with the "Keep It Local Club Discount Card" to use at businesses to get great discounts. It would only cost businesses $20 per month and they would get great ROI. The idea was so good I got over 10 clients in less than two months!

So why did I become a territory owner for RelyLocal if things were going so good? The short answer - community. Before I became the territory owner, RelyLocal and Keep It Local Club had very similar values with helping small businesses grow, strengthening the community, and giving back - whether through charitable givng, sponsorship, or volunteer work. Not only that, RelyLocal was started about five years ahead of my idea and has more benefits to offer for nearly the same rate. This is why I posted on RelyLocal's homepage "The RelyLocal Guarantee." Not a single advertising and marketing company can offer ALL the same benefits that RelyLocal offers for less than $25 per month. I will back everything I say, and then some.

I enjoy being a business advocate 7 days a week, meeting amazing community leaders, and watching Redmond grow - This is why I RelyLocal!


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