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Sunnyside Up Cafe

100% Local

116 NW 3rd St
Corvallis , OR 97333 (view map)
Phone: (541) 758-3353 Hours:


Tuesday and Wednesday
Free Music


Everything made fresh and right here:
All the food we serve, including the hummus, salsa, vinaigrette, and vegetarian soup, is produced fresh in our kitchen. Our baked goods (except the bagels) are also made fresh each morning right here.

Organic ingredients, natural ingredients, local produce:
Many of the ingredients we use are organic. We also use natural ingredients that have been minimally processed and do not have additives. In season, we purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables, which are all organic.

Organic & Fair Trade coffee:
Our coffee is certified organically grown. Most of it is certified Fair Trade, which means that the farmers who do most of the work get properly compensated for their labors. Our decaffeinated coffees are produced via the Swiss Water Process, which is better for you and for the environment and also makes for a better cup of coffee.

Our coffee roaster is Greg Gorchels with Pacifica Coffee. Greg uses an air roaster and cares more about quality coffee than just about any other human on this planet. He also delivers our coffee by bicycle because he is deeply committed to the environment (one of Greg's dreams is to build a bicycle-driven espresso machine to use at the Oregon Country Fair. For those of you who don't know, the Oregon Country Fair is kinda like Burning Man but without the searing desert heat).

Think Globally, Shop Locally:
We use local merchants and suppliers. We favor the independent businessperson over the multinational corporation. We use downtown businesses when possible, because a strong downtown means a strong Corvallis that will attract and retain other independent businesses.

We recycle as much as possible: cardboard, paperboard, plastic, glass, aseptic containers and milk cartons. The other half of the recycling equation is the utilization of recycled goods. We use recycled paper for our coupons and gift certificates. Our to-go containers are made from 100% post-consumer waste and are fully recyclable. Even our web site is composed of 100% recycled electrons which have been meticulously collected by hand from defunct dot coms.

We collect our coffee grounds and vegetable waste for composting by local farmers (and if you need some coffee grounds to balance the pH of your home compost pile, just ask)

Leftover baked goods are donated to the Corvallis Daytime Drop-In Center. Leftover soup is donated to Linn-Benton Community Food Share. We support the Empty Bowls program by selling bowls and donating soup. Deposit cans and bottles are returned for their nickels which go into a charity fund. We support OSU and local schools with donations of goods and services, as well as with our advertising dollars.

Love and Harmony:
Finally, we believe that food prepared with joy and love impart more than just their nutritive value to those who partake of them; such meals restore balance, deliver extra charged chi, and provide double doses of good karma. All at no extra charge. Thank you for visiting Sunnyside Up. Share the joy!


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