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Mattress Outlet

100% Local

800 Stuart Rd.
Cleveland , TN 37312 (view map)
Phone: (423) 472-7062 FAX: (423) 728-4799 Website: Hours:

Monday – Friday 10-7
Saturday 10-6
Sunday 1-5

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Did you know most people spend between 50 and 60 hours a week in their bed, more time than they spend at their job. Those hours of rest are some of the most important in your day. If you sleep well, you're rejuvenated and ready to enjoy the next day. However, if you're tossing and turning with poor or no sleep, you've fallen behind before you've even started.

At Mattress Outlet, we knou don't buy a new mattress every day. But when it is time to do that,  we want you to take your time and make sure you're getting the most of your new investment. We know there are two main things to look for in your new bedding -- comfort and price. At Mattress Outlet, you'll find the best of both.

Matttress Outlet is locally owned and operated and has been in the bedding business for more than 32 years. Our sales people are friendly and knowledgeable. Don't go to some national chain where you're likely to be helped by someone who flipped burgers last week and can't tell you anything about that the difference between metal spring and memory foam except what he can read on the price tags. Come shop here in Cleveland for the best selection, expert advice and the best deals in town.

We know everything about our mattresses and bedding products and have long standing relationships with the major manufacturers. We can answer all your questions quickly and easily. Try out our huge selection of carefully chosen merchandise to find the perfect bed for your budget and tastes. You can try a huge selection of the best brands available. Our friendly sales people will help you find the right bedding in a helpful and low pressure environment. Come shop where you can find the best selection and the lowest prices.

And Remember, Nobody Beats Our Prices!


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