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Kerby Orchards Local Fruits and Vegetables

100% Local

5471 Highway 64
Farmington , New Mexico 87401-1566 (view map)
Phone: (505) 325-2932 Hours:

Open when fruit is available.


Kerby Orchard at 5471 U.S. 64 sells apples, apple cider and peaches, pears, cherries, apricots, nectarines and plums.
The orchard is irrigated with Animas River water delivered via the Echo ditch system. The water supply is crucial for the orchard in Farmington's high-desert climate.

Kerby Orchard sells primarily to customers on site and sometimes at farmers' markets in Farmington, Aztec and Durango when time permits. These markets help raise awareness and brings in new customers who love the high quality fruit.

There is a tremendous difference between Kerby Orchard fruit and that found in grocery chains.

Grocery store fruit is picked prematurely so it can be packaged and shipped. In contrast, Kerby Orchard fruit is left on the tree until ready, often requiring two or three pickings by hand of every tree. The extra time allows sugars to set in and results in sweeter fruit.

People who taste Kerby Orchard fruit will enjoy it.


You owe it to yorself and your family to come by for a visit.  Open when fruit is available.


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