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Broomfield Auto Services

100% Local

137 Nickel St
Broomfield , CO 80020 (view map)
Phone: 303-466-1816 Hours:

Our Hours:
Monday: 7:00AM-6:00PM
Tuesday: 7:00AM-6:00PM
Wednesday: 7:00AM-6:00PM
Thursday: 7:00AM-6:00PM
Friday: 7:00AM-6:00PM
Sunday: Closed


Broomfield Auto Service has been serving the community for over 30 years. Family owned and operated, we provide quality auto repairs and maintenance without the high cost of the dealer. What's more, our service upholds your factory new car warranty when the factory service schedule is followed. Did You Know? We provide convenient scheduling to fit your busy schedule. Request an appointment online or give us a call at 303-466-1816. We schedule routine service while you wait every hour throughout the day. A typical Lube Oil and Filter service with 37 point inspection takes about 30 minutes. "Quick Lube" shops often don't provide complete service that your vehicle needs. Brakes and tire care as well as more advanced repairs are often not part of their offering and as such, not part of their inspections. Be wary that important systems may get neglected by using these facilities. We carefully track your maintenance history. As a regular customer, you will have access to your vehicle history online using our powerful point of sale software. Access your vehicle records, check for required scheduled maintenance, request service appointments, etc. all online. Since we keep such detailed records, we don't recommend services that have already been performed. We save you money by making sure services aren't repeated uneccessarily due to imperfect record keeping. We provide a postcard / email service reminder program at no charge. Provide us with your e-mail address and we will send reminders when your vehicle is approching the next service interval. If you don't use e-mail, we send a reminder by postcard. We provide multiple tools to help you take better care of your car or truck: 37 point vehicle inspection form. provides multiple tools including online service history, online service scheduling, vehicle specific service recommendations, etc. Service Intelligence service tracking and reminder system. Keeps track of your maintenance for you so you don't repeat services or miss vital services.


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